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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Luxurious France Provincial Residence in The Sackville Ward

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Property Location: 6 Bramley Court Kew - MELBOURNE - VIC

Listing Id: 21371976  


Bedrooms: 5    Bathrooms: 5    Garages: 2   

Description: Impressive executive residence positioned in a most desirable Sackville Ward court. Surrounded by tree-lined streets, prestigious and contemporary homes in a leafy pocket of Kew. A rare opportunity to purchase in a highly sought after and rarely available location.

The most elegant front marble entry hall to a beautiful grand stairway. A marble foyer, separate formal living room and formal dining room provide a feeling of total privacy perfect for exclusive functions. Enjoy your favourite movie in your own private theatre or relax in the spacious family/meals opening to a lovely courtyard.

The clever design provides the option of the executive study downstairs or a 5th double bedroom next to a bathroom. Stunning Miele gourmet kitchen with granite bench tops and laundry.

Grand staircase to four bedrooms (ensuite/spa and WIRs), one with ensuite/BIR, two with semi-ensuite/WIRs, retreat and balcony.
Double remote basement garage and wine cellar/storage. Includes ducted heating and cooling, Solar system, ducted vacuum, video intercom and security alarm system.

This exclusive address is located conveniently close to prestigious schools, transport, shops and beautiful parks.

Luxurious France Provincial Residence in The Sackville Ward

Contact Mega City Real Estate Today!!!

Contact Kenny Lau
Phone 0405 019 223

Property ID:21371976
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